How to do “Joint mining activity” between MDEX.COM (BSC) and DeFi Warrior

The Mera
3 min readSep 10, 2021


Around $300,000 total rewards is waiting for you. Don’t miss it!

Liquidity mining

Step 1: Go to, please change your network to Binance Smart Chain. Make sure that you own FIWA and BNB (WBNB is also acceptable) in your wallet.

Step 2: Go to menu “Pool” and choose “Add Liquidity”

Step 3: Choose the quantity of BNB and FIWA to be added to the liquidity pool. Note: our FIWA contract: 0x633237C6FA30FAe46Cc5bB22014DA30e50a718cC

Step 4: Approve FIWA and approve BNB on your wallet.

Step 5: Press “Supply” to provide liquidity.

Step 6: Press “Confirm supply”

Step 7: Approve transaction in your wallet.

Step 8: Transaction submitted.

Step 9: Now you have successfully provided liquidity, and the “LP Token” is available in your wallet. Take the LP token to farm MDX token now.

Step 10: Jump to “Liquidity” menu on MDEX. Choose FIWA/WBNB pool. Press “Approve”.

Step 11: Approve the transaction in your wallet.

Step 12: Press “Max” and then “Confirm”

Step 13: Deposit success.

Step 14: Now, enjoy your MDX reward and withdraw MDX any time.


Boardroom: Stake MDX to earn FIWA

Step 1: Go to “Boardroom” menu and Approve MDX.

Step 2: Approve transaction in your wallet.

Step 3: Choose the quantity of MDX token that you want to stake.

Step 4: Approve transaction in your wallet.

Step 5: Deposit success.

Step 6: Congrats, enjoy your staking and withdraw $FIWA token anytime.


Trading reward

Trade FIWA & BNB to earn MDX

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The Mera